City of Van Meter Board or Commission Application City of Van Meter Board or Commission Application Name * Name First First Last Last Please select the Board or Commission of Interest: * Board of Adjustment (5 Year Term - Residency Required)Parks & Rec (5 Year Term - No More Than 3 May Live Outside of City Limits)Planning & Zoning Commission (5 Year Term - Residency Required)Library Board (4 Year Term - No More Than 2 May Live Outside Of City Limits) Phone * Email * Address * Length of Time Living in Van Meter * Occupation * List Any Other Boards/Commissions You Are Currently Serving On * Describe why you are interested in serving on a City Board or Commission: * Describe any qualifying knowledge, skill or experience that you possess relating to the Board or Commission of interest: * Please provide any additional comments or relevant information: By submitting this form, you acknowledge that this application is considered public record and will be kept on file for one year. You will be contacted should any vacancies exist on any City Board or Commission.